Baby Valentina & Family
Saturday, March 28, 2009

Several weeks ago I had the opportunity to meet the newest member of the Giardino family -- baby Valentina! I met her big sister Giavanna a year and a half ago and was not the least bit surprised to see that Valentina is equally as beautiful. Congrats to you J & T on your expanding family!

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Engagement Session: Kaoife & Josh
Friday, March 27, 2009

Well, I'm officially 'back' from maternity leave tomorrow with my first wedding of the season! I'm super excited to photograph Kaoife & Josh's big day at Sassi and realized that I never posted pictures from their engagement session that we did back in Sept or October of last year. Here are a few images from our time then, and guys, I look so forward to tomorrow. :-)


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We live in a digital age and clients want their images electronically. Photographers understand this, but also wrestle because we care about how our images are ultimately shared or presented to others, in addition to protecting our copyrights. We also hope that our clients will put some images up on their walls or into frames so they don't just sit on a computer somewhere. As someone who takes thousands of pictures of my kids, do you realize how long my images sit in my computer without ever making it into frames, or books, or anything? I have so many that now I just cant decide what I want to print as large prints or even small prints! The point is to get them up (on the wall) and share them and enjoy them, and this is one of the downsides to the digital age and wanting everything on our computers. The reason we hire photographers is to get some great photographs and if we never print them out, it kind of defeats the purpose.

There are many photographers who will not sell their digital "negatives" (image CD / high res images / JPEG files, whatever you want to call them). However, these days, many more do. For my wedding clients, I do include the image DVD of negatives in any wedding album package and then offer them for sale for those clients who opt for ala carte pricing. In other words, if clients purchase an album package, I give the negatives as a gift with the wedding album. If they don't buy an album, they can opt to buy the negatives instead.

I have always sold the negatives for portrait clients as well, and will continue to do so, although those discs will be increasing in price this year. However, because of the popularity of social media sites such as Facebook and clients sharing images this way, Jennifer Bowen Photography will now offer all portrait and wedding clients a free bonus as a way of sharing their images via Facebook. (IF the client wants them for this purpose.) With all portrait sessions, the client will receive 10 of their favorite images free of charge that Jennifer uploads and then "tags" to the client Facebook account. These images will be watermarked with the Jennifer Bowen Photography studio logo and will be web-optimized images for quick electronic sharing. Additionally, Jennifer can also share any web-based slideshows that may come with your portrait session. If you wish to share your slideshow via Facebook, just let us know and we will upload your show directly and tag your account.

Wedding clients: we can post and share your slideshows and some images as well, as well as your your wedding album slideshow. Please let us know if you would like any of these items posted to your account.

In regards to protecting our copyright, here is something we photographers need to consider: If our images are placed online in any medium by our clients, especially if we are not aware of where they are placed and the image does not contain a logo or other identifying marks, the photographer's image can potentially be taken and used by a third party. This can happen intentionally where another person may seek to use an image they find on the internet as their own, in some sort of personal project a person is creating, or when businesses or individuals seek to use any image as part of a larger marketing campaign without the photographer's consent.

It can also happen unintentionally where a third party may try to locate the copyright owner of that image, but cannot because there are no identifying marks (logos) or metadata included in the file, and then the image becomes public domain and can be used without compensating the owner. In either case, if the images are ultimately used without permission, the copyright has been violated.

For this reason that it's very important that photographers 1) include their metadata inside the file and 2) watermark their logo or copyright info on their images. Additionally, if photographers sell or give away the digital negatives to their clients, the two parties must establish clear guidelines about how the images may be used. As I mentioned, I do sell discs to both my portrait and wedding clients, and include a set of instructions about how the images may be used. I have always asked for my name as well as a link back to my website be issued as credit if they client is placing those images online. This year, due to the popularity of personal blogs and people posting their images to those sites, I will actually be modifying these instructions to also include that at least a small watermarked logo must also be included (for any images online) to protect against third party infringement. As always, clients have the right to print off those files for home and personal use in frames, as gifts, etc. and do not need to include logo or watermark info for those files.

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Eat This, Not That
Friday, March 20, 2009

Have you heard of this book? My hairdresser asked me several weeks ago, "What do you think is the most fattening candy bar? and "Which burger or sandwich is worse for you?" I thought I made logical guesses, but was surprised by many of the answers. I rarely eat candy bars, but if I do have a couple a year, Twix is my choice. Turns out that is one of the worst you can eat!

Eat This, Not That focuses primarily on the restaurant industry and the best choices you can make at any given restaurant, or between general food options (chicken vs. beef vs. fish - you might be surprise from a pure fat content perspective). We often choose the more fattening option, thinking it would be better choice. I was especially bummed to find out the chicken burrito from Chipotle is the worst mexican meal you can eat there! Aggghhh. One of my favs.

Wanna know the other worst things you can eat?

I'm not a big fan of fast food and try an avoid it as much as possible, but the simple truth is that when you have kids, sometimes you just need a drive through! Only parents who have to get kids in and out of car seats for a quick bite will understand this, and its often when we compromise where we would not normally eat and pick up something not so healthy for the sake of our sanity. So this does serve as a good resource for when we need to select the best of the worst option!

They also list the most healthy choice you can make for 125 items at the grocery store. Check it out. I was happy to see that several of the things that I usually buy were included (ie., whole grains options) but learned several new things. I consider myself to be a pretty healthy eater most of the time, but there are definitely areas I can improve on.

This is a great resource for those of us trying to make the best dining choices we can.

About the Author
DAVID ZINCZENKO, editor in chief of Men's Health magazine, is the author of the New York Times best-sellers The Abs Diet and The Abs Diet for Women. Once an overweight child growing up in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, Zinczenko has become one of the nation's leading experts on health and fitness. He is a regular contributor to the Today show, and has appeared on Oprah, Good Morning America, and Primetime Live. MATT GOULDING is the food and nutrition editor of Men's Health. He has cooked and eaten his way across the world, touching down in Allentown, Pennsylvania, where he divides most of his time between keyboard and stovetop.


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Sunday, March 08, 2009

It's official. Two kids are a lot more than one. I've learned that there is very little down time. In fact, not really any down time, except after the kids go to bed, and then I'm so wiped (right now) that all I want to do is crawl in bed too. The good news is that we have hit the 7 week mark and things should start getting a little easier from here. At least a schedule will continue to emerge as Alex starts sleeping longer stretches at night. And eventually when he does make the full day/night sleep switch, hopefully things will become more systematic and predictable schedule-wise. Hopefully.

We have nicknamed him "Dr. Phil" - love that new hair loss on top!

As hard as it can be at times, it's still amazing how fast it is going by. Jordan is still pretty into her little brother, even though the novelty is wearing off a little. She said this morning, quite dramatically, "I'm SO SICK of the crying?! Why does he cry so much?" I gently reminded her that is the only way he can communicate, and in reality, he doesn't really cry that much. I didn't tell her that she cried A LOT more!

I cannot believe that Jordan will be 4 next month. I posted a picture to Facebook recently showing her new custom bang trim that she decided to give herself a week or so ago. I was a little sad since I had been loving her new haircut from a few weeks prior, but she decided to take her style into her own hands, and as I was reminded on Facebook, it's a right of passage for most little girls. It could be worse; she could have chopped off one side only and ended up with a sweet bowl cut like I had to get at age 4. Now I know why my Mom cried when I did that.

Sadie, my 8 year old mutt: "I put the 'grrrr' in swinger baby!"

In other news, I'm slowly getting back into the swing of things business wise. I've had a couple newborn shoots this past week as well as my first Babymoon session through the Royal Palms, so those images will be up soon. And then I'm pretty much back to work with a great wedding at the end of this month, several engagement sessions next month, and a full spring/early summer ahead.

I'm also super excited about my new look! Logo look that is. That's right, we have updated our look and feel and will be rolling out a new website, refreshed blog, packaging and more in the coming months. It's safe to say we are going green (literally) and should be fully launched by May.

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I just had to share one of the most amazing emails I just received from Lizzie, who has taken both our (Kim Jarman and I -- see the WORKSHOP link to the right for more info) beginner and intermediate workshops. It means the world to me (and I know Kim too) to hear that our attendees have had experiences like this and to know that in some small way, we made a difference. Thank you Lizzie, for taking the time to send this to us, and for sharing where you are now in your photography path!

On Mar 1, 2009, at 12:17 AM, Lizzie Kimball wrote:

Kim & Jen,
It's so hard to even start writing how thankful I am to have gotten to know you two and taken your beginner & intermediate workshops. Before I took your first beginners workshop in June, I was a lost soul. I had a passion for photography; I loved taking photographs and I had a vision of what I wanted to do, but I just couldn't. I'd shake my dSLR camera so hard from frustration; I had an expensive camera, I was convinced that was it: the camera would do the rest, right? Wrong. Tired and confused I went to the Beginners Workshop excited in hopes I'd learn how to make better images. You two advertised "how to make your images pop," and I wanted that pop. A few hours after the workshop, I was armed with so much knowledge about my camera that everything started to click as to why my images were not coming out how I wanted them to: I was using the wrong lenses, wasn't using my camera in manual (didn't even know where to start on that one), and didn't understand how much importance lies in those three magical settings: aperture, shutter speed, and ISO.

Armed with the generous information you two shared and countless questions you answered. I went home, studied my Nikon owner's manual (now understanding what it meant when it referred to certain things), and viewed the slideshow presentation you emailed that you had covered that day at the workshop. I was ready to make a difference in my images. I had the tools, and with a few weeks of practice and patience, I conquered the camera meltdown. Between the months of June and November, I continued to practice the skills I learned at the Beginners Workshop. I was SO excited when the Intermediate Workshop in November rolled around because I understood how to use my camera in manual (the techy side) and I was ready to work on interacting with my clients and making the most out of any location (the creative side).

What I learned in this workshop will forever be held close to my heart: my world light up. Literally. I was introduced to a new concept that will forever change my photography. Light. With the live model shoot, I was able to focus on honing my creativity; by watching you two work I was able to see how you interacted with clients and what you would look for while on a photo shoot. After the shoot, you two were awesome in helping all of us edit our photos and sharing amazing tips about bringing out the color and depth in our images. I again learned so many amazing concepts that I couldn't wait to get home and practice working with light and other elements to take my images up to the next notch.

Since November, I have used all of the skills you have taught in countless ways. Every time I shoot I feel I improve and to this day have your advice running through my mind. Of course, I still view the presentations from the workshops from time to time to hone my knowledge and soak up as much information as I can. Your workshops only lasted a few hours, but what I have taken away will last me my entire lifetime.

I cannot believe how generous you two have been in sharing so many tips that have made you remarkable photographers and how friendly and willing you were to answer questions and help in any way possible. With the skills and tips I have learned at your workshops, I have improved my photography immensely and I honestly would not be anywhere close to where I am today without your guidance. Your knowledge has allowed my passion for photography grow to heights I didn't think possible, and I can only hope to someday to help someone as much as you two have helped me.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart,

That email really made my day. Thanks again Lizzie. If any of you others out there feel like you have had similar experiences we'd love to hear where you are now on your photography path!


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