Eat This, Not That
Friday, March 20, 2009

Have you heard of this book? My hairdresser asked me several weeks ago, "What do you think is the most fattening candy bar? and "Which burger or sandwich is worse for you?" I thought I made logical guesses, but was surprised by many of the answers. I rarely eat candy bars, but if I do have a couple a year, Twix is my choice. Turns out that is one of the worst you can eat!

Eat This, Not That focuses primarily on the restaurant industry and the best choices you can make at any given restaurant, or between general food options (chicken vs. beef vs. fish - you might be surprise from a pure fat content perspective). We often choose the more fattening option, thinking it would be better choice. I was especially bummed to find out the chicken burrito from Chipotle is the worst mexican meal you can eat there! Aggghhh. One of my favs.

Wanna know the other worst things you can eat?

I'm not a big fan of fast food and try an avoid it as much as possible, but the simple truth is that when you have kids, sometimes you just need a drive through! Only parents who have to get kids in and out of car seats for a quick bite will understand this, and its often when we compromise where we would not normally eat and pick up something not so healthy for the sake of our sanity. So this does serve as a good resource for when we need to select the best of the worst option!

They also list the most healthy choice you can make for 125 items at the grocery store. Check it out. I was happy to see that several of the things that I usually buy were included (ie., whole grains options) but learned several new things. I consider myself to be a pretty healthy eater most of the time, but there are definitely areas I can improve on.

This is a great resource for those of us trying to make the best dining choices we can.

About the Author
DAVID ZINCZENKO, editor in chief of Men's Health magazine, is the author of the New York Times best-sellers The Abs Diet and The Abs Diet for Women. Once an overweight child growing up in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, Zinczenko has become one of the nation's leading experts on health and fitness. He is a regular contributor to the Today show, and has appeared on Oprah, Good Morning America, and Primetime Live. MATT GOULDING is the food and nutrition editor of Men's Health. He has cooked and eaten his way across the world, touching down in Allentown, Pennsylvania, where he divides most of his time between keyboard and stovetop.


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