Sunday, March 08, 2009

It's official. Two kids are a lot more than one. I've learned that there is very little down time. In fact, not really any down time, except after the kids go to bed, and then I'm so wiped (right now) that all I want to do is crawl in bed too. The good news is that we have hit the 7 week mark and things should start getting a little easier from here. At least a schedule will continue to emerge as Alex starts sleeping longer stretches at night. And eventually when he does make the full day/night sleep switch, hopefully things will become more systematic and predictable schedule-wise. Hopefully.

We have nicknamed him "Dr. Phil" - love that new hair loss on top!

As hard as it can be at times, it's still amazing how fast it is going by. Jordan is still pretty into her little brother, even though the novelty is wearing off a little. She said this morning, quite dramatically, "I'm SO SICK of the crying?! Why does he cry so much?" I gently reminded her that is the only way he can communicate, and in reality, he doesn't really cry that much. I didn't tell her that she cried A LOT more!

I cannot believe that Jordan will be 4 next month. I posted a picture to Facebook recently showing her new custom bang trim that she decided to give herself a week or so ago. I was a little sad since I had been loving her new haircut from a few weeks prior, but she decided to take her style into her own hands, and as I was reminded on Facebook, it's a right of passage for most little girls. It could be worse; she could have chopped off one side only and ended up with a sweet bowl cut like I had to get at age 4. Now I know why my Mom cried when I did that.

Sadie, my 8 year old mutt: "I put the 'grrrr' in swinger baby!"

In other news, I'm slowly getting back into the swing of things business wise. I've had a couple newborn shoots this past week as well as my first Babymoon session through the Royal Palms, so those images will be up soon. And then I'm pretty much back to work with a great wedding at the end of this month, several engagement sessions next month, and a full spring/early summer ahead.

I'm also super excited about my new look! Logo look that is. That's right, we have updated our look and feel and will be rolling out a new website, refreshed blog, packaging and more in the coming months. It's safe to say we are going green (literally) and should be fully launched by May.

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