Sheryl and Dane's Wedding Album
Wednesday, October 29, 2008

We finished Sheryl and Dane's wedding album a few weeks ago, and I LOVE it! We had initially designed it as a vertical format, which is how many of my couples request their albums (or square), however Sheryl really wanted to see a horizontal format album and I'm so glad we re-worked it because I'm super happy with how it came out! I think this is a beautiful format to really showcase the story of the day through the pictures. Check it out and let us know what you think!

(The finished size is 10x13, wide format.)


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Featured: The
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I feel very honored that two of this past springs weddings were chosen to be featured on The Knot (! It was fun to wake up to see Allison and Chris's wedding at Brophy & Wrigley Mansion and JD and Andriana's wedding at The Arizona Inn featured in the Real Weddings section. Thank you Rebecca and Carly for featuring both beautiful events!

Click on the pictures below to go straight to their page, or on their names above to read more about each wedding and see lots of images from their weddings::

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Brett & Barbara's Wedding
Monday, October 27, 2008

I had the opportunity to photograph Brett and Barbara's wedding last week at a private residence in Paradise Valley. They came to me through referral from my hair stylist extraordinaire Janine at Stephan Paul Salon - Brett is Janine's brother. They were both so gracious and cool the whole day and it was so fun to shoot here because the house was very inspiring in and of itself. It's kind of ironic that it was held in this location, because I didn't realize that when I first went out to scout the location that I had in fact been there once before. It's my friend Heather's parents amazing home at the top of Mummy Mountain and they were so kind to share it for the wedding. I'm not sure the view of Camelback Mountain gets any better! It was a beautiful day and I had so much fun photographing Brett and Barb.

Barb realized that she hadn't yet seen herself before we headed up to do some pictures, and I loved her reaction when she did find the mirror.

I love her Mom's expression as she choked up a bit at the sight of Barb all dressed up.

Thank you so much you guys for sharing your wedding with me! You two are so cool and I have no doubt will have a long and happy life together, with a deep friendship as your base.


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One Week Left!
Thursday, October 23, 2008

There is about one week left before the November 1 photography workshops! We still have a couple seats left, but the beginner class is getting pretty full. If you have been thinking about attending, now is the time to register as we do expect some more to sign up this week, or last minute like the previous workshop. We hope to see you there!

For those that have inquired about the next workshop, it likely will not be until summer 2009.

Beginner Workshop Registration Form

Intermediate Workshop Registration Form

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Fedyski Family
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I was so happy to see my friends the Fedyski's recently! DeAnn and I used to work together about 12 years ago at my very first job out of college (PR). The job itself wasn't the greatest, BUT I did make some very good, lasting friends from my time there- like DeAnn. We don't get to see each other nearly enough these days, but I always love catching up when we do get to meet up. Plus its so cool to be able to photograph my friends kids, to see them growing and changing, like Grace and Jack!

A classic, more traditional family shot - but always timeless for those holiday cards. And not always an easy feat with a toddler in the mix!

Okay, I had to post this shot below because it was one of those happy accidents. I was taking a few headshots for DeAnn at the end of the shoot and then she stepped back and pretended to fall off this little ledge. Me, being in the jumpy-pregnant-state I am, feared she really was falling back and I lunged out to grab her. Somehow the camera went off and I managed to get this really cool effect on this image, plus capture DeAnn's fun, silly side at the same time, while the camera came away from me quite quickly. It almost looks like a Lensbaby image with most of being totally out of focus in the background (moreso than a 2.8 lens will capture), but her in focus. Pretty sweet I thought! (There is no post processing on this at all.)

And I had to get one of DeAnn and I for posterity sake! The last image I think I have of us together was from like 11 years ago on some business trip to Tucson or something. We both looked a little younger then, but probably not quite as fulfilled as we are today.


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A newborn & an update
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Holy macaroni, I am behind on posting to my blog! I've been kind of neglecting you guys out there...sorry about that. Truth be told, I've been a bit under the weather for the past week, fighting whatever this latest bug is going around. And then the general pregnancy fatigue kicks in after all the work is done for the day, and have a blog that hasn't seen as much love lately.

There are several things coming: another wedding, several family and kid shoots, updates about the workshop, FAQ answers (sorry Niki for one - your response has been drafted for some time and is coming!) and maybe an announcement or two.

In the meantime, here are some recent images from a newborn session I had a couple weeks ago. 3-week-old Nathan was an angel for nearly the entire shoot, amazingly. The only time he really cried is when we put the Red Sox hat on (for Dad) I joked that maybe he isn't much of a -- gasp -- Red Sox fan after all.

Since I keep receiving more and more emails about my style or technique shooting (technically speaking), I'll try and provide more details for an image or two from each shoot. All sessions are shot using a Canon 5D. Shot above was natural window light (right of baby), lens Canon 24-70mm/f2.8L @ ISO 500, f2.8, 160sec. I did not use flash for this session at all (and try never to use it with newborns.)

Thank you Shelly and Drew for sharing your brand new bundle with me! It was an honor to meet you all and photograph your family.

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