A newborn & an update
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Holy macaroni, I am behind on posting to my blog! I've been kind of neglecting you guys out there...sorry about that. Truth be told, I've been a bit under the weather for the past week, fighting whatever this latest bug is going around. And then the general pregnancy fatigue kicks in after all the work is done for the day, and well...you have a blog that hasn't seen as much love lately.

There are several things coming: another wedding, several family and kid shoots, updates about the workshop, FAQ answers (sorry Niki for one - your response has been drafted for some time and is coming!) and maybe an announcement or two.

In the meantime, here are some recent images from a newborn session I had a couple weeks ago. 3-week-old Nathan was an angel for nearly the entire shoot, amazingly. The only time he really cried is when we put the Red Sox hat on (for Dad)...so I joked that maybe he isn't much of a -- gasp -- Red Sox fan after all.

Since I keep receiving more and more emails about my style or technique shooting (technically speaking), I'll try and provide more details for an image or two from each shoot. All sessions are shot using a Canon 5D. Shot above was natural window light (right of baby), lens Canon 24-70mm/f2.8L @ ISO 500, f2.8, 160sec. I did not use flash for this session at all (and try never to use it with newborns.)

Thank you Shelly and Drew for sharing your brand new bundle with me! It was an honor to meet you all and photograph your family.

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