Kim and Deacon's Wedding in Payson
Thursday, July 31, 2008

I first met Kim over 3 years ago when she hired me to take some headshots of her. She had recently gone through some life changes, broken up with a boyfriend and wanted some new, fun shots to commemorate the new her. I liked her immediately and not just because she was such a pro in front of the camera and easy to photograph (she looks like a model but she is not). She is one of those people that possesses a rare combination of grace and poise, but also this fun, goofy side and an ability to laugh at herself. I told her then that I wished I knew more single guys because she would be such a great catch for any lucky guy that might meet her. The following year she did a fun bridal shoot with me and then I saw her again about a year after that for a session with her and her adorable dog Bob...and all the while I told her that I was keeping my eyes wide open for anyone that I thought would be a good match, and said I couldn't wait to photograph her wedding! Of course, her life's bigger plan was already set into motion as she had very recently starting dating Deacon. And then she called me several months ago, and said, "Your wish is coming true, I'm getting married!" I was thrilled for her and knew she must have met a great guy.

Kim and Deacon's wedding was a week a half ago in Payson at The Chaparral Pines Golf Club, and much to Kim's delight, the storm clouds rolled in just before her ceremony and brought a few raindrops - and cooler weather. She was actually doing the rain dance, not the opposite as most brides might be! Kim had told me she was never really one of those girls that dreamt of a big wedding day and did not care much for the planning hoopla. All she wanted was a small and intimate ceremony to celebrate their love, witnessed by God and close friends. Just as I imagined, Deacon was indeed a great guy and I can tell they are a perfect match. They share a very similar sense of humor and passion for life, close friends and deep faith in God.

Here are some of my favorites from their intimate wedding day:

I loved her Dad's expression when he saw her for the first time:

I think this one might be my favorite

I loved the back of her gown!

Love it!

Some tender ceremony moments I found endearing

Details, as found:

Deacon dancing with his Mom and sharing some happy tears.

Congratulations Kim and Deacon! I wish you much continued joy and laughter through the years! And can't wait to photograph those future babies :)


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Kim and Deacon: Sneak Peak
Friday, July 25, 2008

Great wedding in Payson last Saturday! I will get more images posted as soon as possible, but here is one image of the gorgeous bride. This is one of my favorite clients of all time and aside from being stunning, she is also an amazing person...


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Holiday Photo Sessions
Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I've started receiving emails about holiday photography sessions this fall, and I wanted to let you know that I will be offering some special packages again this year. I should have the schedule up in the next couple weeks, along with the package info. Current and past clients will also receive an advance email with more details and a little something else. :) Stay tuned for more info soon! The majority of sessions will be available in October and November, in time for the holidays.

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Great photography advice
Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I have followed Dan Brouillette's photography off and on for a few years now. I don't know how I first stumbled on him back when, likely something associated with senior photography, but his work has lulled me back from time to time and I'm pulled in when I browse through every single shot on his website. He shoots high-school seniors like no-ones business and his work just moves me and captures something unique. That, and he has a deep command of lighting, and off camera lighting specifically. There are many great photographers out there, and there are many very popular photographers whose work is good, but doesn't necessarily move me, or contain that subjective spark that just speaks to me like his does. But that's the inherent beauty of photography; it truly is in the eye of the beholder, and where we find connection points in photographs will vary with every person.

In catching up on his blog, I saw this this piece he posted about a month ago. I think I have yet to read something that articulates the process of becoming a photographer, evolving as a photographer, and more importantly, finding and defining your own style, as well as this. I felt a connection to this post as its mirrored my own thoughts and feeling about photography, especially lately, but I could never articulate it as well. So for all of those looking for advice on starting out, or needing a dose of inspiration when you feel less-than-passionate in certain times, read this.


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New York Girls Trip
Monday, July 21, 2008


Every fall my Mom plans a fun all-girls trip to the Big Apple. I think this is her 10th year coordinating the excursion and I have gone at least 6 or 7 of those years, and always have such a great time. I have loved New York City since I was a little girl, and held this huge desire to move there during my early 20's and do the single-girl-in-the-big-city thing. My life took a different path and I didn't ever make it there to live, but I still visit as often as possible and just pretend I live there when I go. I did however live vicariously through my younger step-sister Alexia when she lived there for a few years and worked on 5th Avenue at the Nicole Miller boutique.

At any rate, I would be going again this year, but my fall schedule is a bit heavy, so unfortunately I cannot make it this time. :( But I wanted to share the info on this trip in case any of you out there love doing fun girls trips with your girlfriends and are up for a seeing the city all decorated for the holidays. It surely is beautiful that time of year.

My Mom is a certified travel planner/agent and has specialized in group trips all over the world for the past 20 years or so. She has done A-M-A-Z-I-N-G excursions to Greece, Switzerland ski tips, South of France (Monte Carlo, Nice, Morocco, etc.), Australia, Italy and much more, but these New York City trips are always popular with the ladies (and mothers-and-daughters). Great shopping, great food, great nightlife, Broadway theater, etc... there is just so much to do and see there.

Click here if you would like to find out more info or attend!

Just tell her I sent you :)

Me and my cute Mom back from 2000 or 2001 (scanned from film)

My friend Corinne and I there. We had just seen the Rockettes Christmas Show (which is great by the way). I think we also caught Mama Mia that year as well - also a great Broadway production.

And my Mom and her best friend Ann, and me and Corinne taking a cold but nice carriage ride through Central Park that same year, before hitting the Park Plaza for drinks. (To warm up of course!)

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Tiffany & Tyler's Wedding
Thursday, July 17, 2008

Tiffany and Ty were married this past Saturday at the Wigwam Resort in west Phoenix. July weddings in the valley are a little less common since temperatures frequently rise above 110 degrees, but ironically I have three this month, and theirs was the first to kick things off! Luckily the monsoon clouds descended in the afternoon, which allowed us to go outside to get some bridal party and bride and groom shots, but for the most part, the rest of the day (and most photos) took place inside in the air conditioning. Tyler is in the Air Force, so the wedding was themed with Air Force blue, hot pink and white, and Ty wore his blues for the day as well. Their wedding was pretty big - about 300 people, so they have lots of friends and family who love them and were happy to be there celebrate!

Here are some favorites from the day...

Loved her fun hot pink shoes! Her Mom commented, "Those are SO Tiffany!" when I was taking a shot of them.

Tiffany's niece was just a few weeks old and already all dolled up for her first wedding!


Her niece and nephew whom she adores. I could tell she is a very loving aunt.

Love this one!

And this one

Before the kiss, Cade, her nephew from above, scooted himself all the way down the aisle to get a closer look. It was pretty funny that he never came up off the floor during the whole scoot and made it there just in time!

I love this moment they shared after the ceremony when no one else was around yet.

A sweet first dance moment.

There were LOTS of single girls there!

They played the theme from Top Gun for this part, which of course, was pretty fitting.

Ohhhh, so close.

Tiff's friend who caught a bouquet and Ty's friend who "caught" the garter got to know each other pretty well!

Tiffany's parents sharing a sweet moment together during the reception.

Thank you Tiffany and Ty for sharing your day with me! I have no doubt you have a wonderful & exciting life together in store for you.


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