Kim and Deacon's Wedding in Payson
Thursday, July 31, 2008

I first met Kim over 3 years ago when she hired me to take some headshots of her. She had recently gone through some life changes, broken up with a boyfriend and wanted some new, fun shots to commemorate the new her. I liked her immediately and not just because she was such a pro in front of the camera and easy to photograph (she looks like a model but she is not). She is one of those people that possesses a rare combination of grace and poise, but also this fun, goofy side and an ability to laugh at herself. I told her then that I wished I knew more single guys because she would be such a great catch for any lucky guy that might meet her. The following year she did a fun bridal shoot with me and then I saw her again about a year after that for a session with her and her adorable dog Bob...and all the while I told her that I was keeping my eyes wide open for anyone that I thought would be a good match, and said I couldn't wait to photograph her wedding! Of course, her life's bigger plan was already set into motion as she had very recently starting dating Deacon. And then she called me several months ago, and said, "Your wish is coming true, I'm getting married!" I was thrilled for her and knew she must have met a great guy.

Kim and Deacon's wedding was a week a half ago in Payson at The Chaparral Pines Golf Club, and much to Kim's delight, the storm clouds rolled in just before her ceremony and brought a few raindrops - and cooler weather. She was actually doing the rain dance, not the opposite as most brides might be! Kim had told me she was never really one of those girls that dreamt of a big wedding day and did not care much for the planning hoopla. All she wanted was a small and intimate ceremony to celebrate their love, witnessed by God and close friends. Just as I imagined, Deacon was indeed a great guy and I can tell they are a perfect match. They share a very similar sense of humor and passion for life, close friends and deep faith in God.

Here are some of my favorites from their intimate wedding day:

I loved her Dad's expression when he saw her for the first time:

I think this one might be my favorite

I loved the back of her gown!

Love it!

Some tender ceremony moments I found endearing

Details, as found:

Deacon dancing with his Mom and sharing some happy tears.

Congratulations Kim and Deacon! I wish you much continued joy and laughter through the years! And can't wait to photograph those future babies :)


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