New York Girls Trip
Monday, July 21, 2008


Every fall my Mom plans a fun all-girls trip to the Big Apple. I think this is her 10th year coordinating the excursion and I have gone at least 6 or 7 of those years, and always have such a great time. I have loved New York City since I was a little girl, and held this huge desire to move there during my early 20's and do the single-girl-in-the-big-city thing. My life took a different path and I didn't ever make it there to live, but I still visit as often as possible and just pretend I live there when I go. I did however live vicariously through my younger step-sister Alexia when she lived there for a few years and worked on 5th Avenue at the Nicole Miller boutique.

At any rate, I would be going again this year, but my fall schedule is a bit heavy, so unfortunately I cannot make it this time. :( But I wanted to share the info on this trip in case any of you out there love doing fun girls trips with your girlfriends and are up for a seeing the city all decorated for the holidays. It surely is beautiful that time of year.

My Mom is a certified travel planner/agent and has specialized in group trips all over the world for the past 20 years or so. She has done A-M-A-Z-I-N-G excursions to Greece, Switzerland ski tips, South of France (Monte Carlo, Nice, Morocco, etc.), Australia, Italy and much more, but these New York City trips are always popular with the ladies (and mothers-and-daughters). Great shopping, great food, great nightlife, Broadway theater, etc... there is just so much to do and see there.

Click here if you would like to find out more info or attend!

Just tell her I sent you :)

Me and my cute Mom back from 2000 or 2001 (scanned from film)

My friend Corinne and I there. We had just seen the Rockettes Christmas Show (which is great by the way). I think we also caught Mama Mia that year as well - also a great Broadway production.

And my Mom and her best friend Ann, and me and Corinne taking a cold but nice carriage ride through Central Park that same year, before hitting the Park Plaza for drinks. (To warm up of course!)

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