Ashley & Kyle Wedding: Part 2
Monday, July 06, 2009

Here is Part II to Ashley and Kyle's wedding! When I said "tomorrow" I really meant Monday. Forgot about that little holiday that fell on the 4th... and I actually managed to take the day off! :-)

Without further ado, some more favs from the day:

Ashley and her Dad

When their Pastor started the vows that Craig was supposed to repeat, Craig was so excited to marry Ashley that he accidentally omitted the vows and just skipped ahead to the "I do!" It was pretty cute. :)

Yeah! Married!

Cuteness below captured by Phillip

More cuteness (boys on right captured by Gisele)

More amazing details (thanks Gisele Holloway for helping to capture these)

Check out the detailing on their cake!

Even more beautiful details

Phillip and Gisele snapped some great shots of me in action that day! (The resulting pictures are down below in Part 1)

And last but not least, a little Photobooth fun of Phillip, Gisele and I at the end of the night... thanks again for helping shoot that day guys!

Ashley and Kyle, I hope you are having an AH-MA-ZING time in Europe right now! It was such a pleasure to be a part of your day and capture your beautiful wedding! Congratulations again :-)


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