The Jarman Family
Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Speaking of nice Mom's, many of you know that fellow Phoenix photographer Kim Jarman is a good friend of mine. Several weeks before Mother's Day, her husband Jamie emailed that he wanted to surprise her with some images of him and their 10 month old daughter Kailee as a gift. We decided to meet at the Phoenix Zoo (they love it there and Jordan had been asking to go again) to capture some shots of the two of them together on a day when Kim had planned to go into the studio before a wedding she was helping a friend shoot that day. All was going as planned until Kim decided the night before she would much rather go to the zoo with her family! So Jamie decided to just tell her that I was going to meet them there to capture some 'surprise' shots. I knew she would be happy since she had been telling me she wanted some recent family photos of the 3 of them and we had been trying to coordinate anyway. So it all worked out even better and Jamie won "Husband of the Year" for thinking of something so sweet for his wife for Mother's Day!

Here are some favorites from our shoot there::

Kim's Mom and Dad were also on hand so we captured some fun and goofy shots of all of them -- Kim said this was her favorite family shot!


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