Hi. It's me.
Monday, February 23, 2009

Last night I took a break from the Academy Awards to quickly scan my email and see if there was anything urgent I needed to respond to. There wasn't, but I did see the PPA Fresh Blog contest winners were announced, so I clicked through. Now, I knew in my heart that I did not win anything, but there was still that glimmer of hope as I waited for the page to load. Finally it did and I saw a very familiar face in the top box. No, not mine. Jasmine Star's. If you are a professional photog, you likely know who she is and already follow her excellent blog. She is a lawyer-turned-photographer who has become very successful in recent years; in large part I would surmise because of how her personality shines through in her blog. She is a beautiful writer (and great photographer) and everyone who has met her or knows her speaks of what a kind and beautiful person she is on the inside. And you can clearly see how beautiful she is on the outside. So, congrats to Jasmine!

But the point of this post wasn't to only compliment Jasmine. It was also to say that because of this contest I just discovered another voice I'm going to love to follow: winner #3 Jodie Allen. I clicked her link and started reading and was immediately hooked. Probably in part because of her witty little diatribes about being a working mom. I can relate to much of what she says and I like how personal it is. She also writes very well, and I love me a good writer! Be sure to check her out.

Speaking of writing, I started this blog back in early 2007 (my old blog then evolved into this prettier version) and I never really intended for it to become an overly personal "mommy blog." I say that not because I don't like some mommy blogs, in fact there are a couple I read all the time (Dooce for one); only because initially it was designed to be about my clients, recent work, and photography related info. But then something started to happen. Clients started telling me how they read my blog all the time and would comment mostly on the personal related posts. They would ask about Jordan (and now Alex too) or comment on other things going on with me personally. I would hear through others that people I have never met also read my blog and would receive positive feedback through them. It's as if a blog has a life of its own. My business has grown more successful directly because of my blog and I know most other companies or individuals who keep up on their blogs agree. I don't even update mine daily, although in an ideal world, I would. (Read: ideal world=infinite amount of time.)

Now that I have two kids and my days are significantly busier, not to mention dirtier --my infant son literally just threw up all over my shoulder and into my hair as I was typing that sentence -- I'm going to infuse more of my day-to-day experience as a working mom/wife/business woman into this blog. I'm just giving you a warning in case you are reading this and thinking, "Oh great, another Mom talking about her kids!" I can't promise I will update this blog daily, but I will pledge to try. At least on those days when I got more than 2 hours of sleep the night before. It's pretty hard to do anything on 2 hours of sleep. Note to Alex: please start sleeping in longer stretches!

I'm also going to start a new little Twitter series called {a day in the life} where I'm going to make daily little random updates about the trials and tribulations of being a working mom. Nothing earth shattering. Just life. If you wish to follow along, you can by clicking here.

Speaking of people to follow on Twitter, check out Liene Stevens (Wedding Planner and expert blogger who now teaches blogging workshops). She has a series on her Smart Planner blog about balancing work, kids and life. It is interesting to read how others manage all the moving parts of their lives with success. I eat this stuff up since it's always such a work in progress. I had it figured out with one child, now I must reinvent how I approach my work-life-balance with two.

Speaking of, I need to stop writing since I must get Jordan to dance class and Alex to the doctor. And I really really need a shower before we leave this house. But before I part, did you watch the Academy Awards last night? I must say it was one of the more entertaining shows in years. That Hugh Jackman is so darn good looking and talented! Do you think Jennifer Aniston felt really awkward presenting in front of Brad + Angie??


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