Favorite iPhone Apps
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I really love my iPhone. I think like most others who own one, it has become such an extension of me. Kind of like a third arm. I know I got along fine before its existence, but some days, I seriously wonder how. When they released the new version (2.0), Apple also officially opened the App Store, which is where much of the magic really lies. I quickly downloaded several apps back then, and have since been adding new ones occasionally that will either help me with productivity, entertain me, or simply keep me up-to-date on news, resources or networking. I wanted to share some of my favorites "Apps", and ask what applications you guys out there are using and love?

1. Facebook - I never have to go on an actual computer to update my status or confirm friend requests or write on walls. I use this almost every day. Love it.

2. Grocery IQ - As a busy Mom who feels like she is constantly at the grocery store, this app has been a total time saver for me. Now I don't need to write down all the things I need on paper, I just add them as I remember them. The foods are organized in the list like you would find them in the aisles, so it makes checking items off easy. Plus you can keep a "favorites" menu where you quickly add those items you buy all the time. I use this all the time.

3. SoLuna - I just downloaded this one since I spend a lot of time on the Sunrise/Sunset (www.sunrisesunset.com) website due to needing to know these times for photography. I know I will use this handy little feature a lot during wedding season, or when planning timelines, and recommend this for all photographers!

4. WordWarp - This is a fun little word scrambler game that is actually quite addictive. Gives you 7 or 8 letters and you need to make as many words as possible out of those. I'm still trying to beat my high score of 4040 and haven't come close in ages.

5. Camera Bag - Fun camera features like Helga, infrared, Fisheye and more. Adds more pop to those mobile quick pix!

6. Twitterific - Keeps me up-to-date on all the Twitter tweets of those I follow. If you are not familiar with Twitter yet, it is a micro blogging site that is catching on about as fast as Facebook. You may hear lately the nightly news anchors now announcing their stations "tweets" on various news related topics... I've noticed a huge surge in businesses using it and it's a great way to inform your followers what you are up to or share business related news or specials in an instant fashion. I can guarantee that social marketing is not going anywhere. Jump aboard and use it to fuel your own business.

7. Yahtzee - I forgot how much fun this little game is! Great for doctors office waits :)

8. YPMobile - This application uses the GPS in your phone and tells you where local businesses are (that you search on). For example, when I'm in a new area and am looking for a particular restaurant or type of food, YPMobile (Yellow Pages Mobile) takes my current location and pinpoints the resturants closest to me or in the vicinity. If I wanted only Taco Bells, I could search that and it would show me all the Taco Bells in that area. It's basically like navigation and Google combined in one. Its fast and handy to have on road trips. And I like this much better than Where - another app that is supposed to do the same thing but always crashes on me.

9. iFlick Bowling - Fun little bowling game that my daughter and I like to play. I think she gets more strikes than I do! Another good one for doctors offices or whenever you need something to entertain your child for a few moments.

10. Scrabble - The classic game sized for the iPhone. Good times.

Other apps I like and use occasionally: Ebay (pretty cool that if I'm buying or selling something online, its now accessible from anywhere anytime in the same easy format), Weatherbug (when I need to track precipitation via radar for weddings or other events this comes in handy), and USA Today (when I want a quick link to the headlines and don't want to go online to Google other news sources).

Lastly, I haven't had a chance to use Shazam yet -- the one from the Apple commercial that will tell you the name and artist of a song if you place it up to the music source, but if I ever want to know who sings a particular song, I know that app will be very useful!

So which apps do you use a lot and like?


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