Wolf Girls (plus one!)
Monday, January 05, 2009

If you have followed my blog for some time, then you probably recognize these girls. They are the daughters of my very best friends, Tom and Marie. We have been a consistent presence in each others lives for more than 16 years now and I treasure them more than words could ever express. We met the first week of college at ASU, and have seen each other through the ensuing post-grad single life, our marriages, the births of our children, several vacations, and sadly, even some deaths. And then everything in between... you know, the day-to-day stuff that makes up marriage, friendship, family lives and just living. They are as loyal as the day is long, as real and "quality" as human beings can get, and I am infinitely blessed to have them in my life.

So, once or twice a year, we schedule an official photo shoot (slash play date nowadays since the girls are all so close) where Marie pretty much gives me total creative license. I have to admit, this one was built around a hat of Jordan's that I have wanted to photograph her in for a good solid year now. She has never relented until now, and I can tell you she finally did only because Sydney and Delaney had their fun hats on too. Have I mentioned how opinionated my daughter is?



And my Jordan:

Delaney is the ham in the family:

Sydney is a little more reserved and shy:

And mine, a little of both of those:

We followed up the shoot with a fun little tea party for the girls, which is where Marie and I decided from now on, if we ever want to make the girls laugh naturally, we just need to say "pee-pee" and "poopy-head" over and over, and the belly laughs certainly ensue. It truly is amazing how 3 to 6 year olds can laugh for a really long time at those words.

Here is to a fun day with the girls!

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