Announcing Alex!
Sunday, January 25, 2009

Announcing the fourth installment to the Bowen Clan -- Alexander! He made his arrival earlier this week, blessing us even more than we thought possible. Jordan is loving being a big sister and is such a wonderful helper - and we are over-the-moon with happiness and gratitude that we have two healthy children. Family is the greatest gift and words cannot describe how blessed we feel!


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maternity leave
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I will be on maternity leave starting Tuesday, January 20th through March 2009. If you contact the studio during this time, please bear with us as it may take a few days to respond to you inquiry. Thank you for your patience as we adjust to life with our most recent addition!

Pictures coming soon :-)

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Published: Ceremony Magazine 2009
Friday, January 16, 2009

The newest edition of Ceremony Magazine, San Diego arrived today and I was so so so thrilled to see that Ginny and Dave's wedding was selected as one of their "Weddings of Distinction" for the year. Ginny and Dave had such a fun and beautiful wedding in August 2008 at The Grand Del Mar in Del Mar, California. Rebecca Gaffney with Red Letter Days Events, LLC coordinated their event and Jeff Youngren with Jeff Youngren Photography (based in San Diego) helped second shoot that day. A special thanks to both!

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Published: Arizona Bride Magazine
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Spring/Summer 2009 issue of Arizona Bride Magazine is now out on the stands and I was happy to see that they chose one of my images from Sheryl and Dane's amazing wedding this past April in one of their feature stories! (Sheryl and Dane's wedding was also featured on Southern Weddings Magazine blog several months ago.) Arizona Bride Magazine is a great resource for couples getting married in Arizona and is available at major bookstores and grocery stores.

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I was so excited to see that Aimee and Matt's wedding was featured on Southern Weddings Magazine Blog today. Lara Casey and her awesome team have one of THE most popular blogs in the wedding industry, with tons of killer ideas for weddings all over the country... and they just launched the premier issue of the print magazine this month! You'll definitely want to pick up a copy at the bookstore or grocery store if you are planning a wedding.

Here are several of the details from Aimee and Matt's beautiful wedding this past October at Sanctuary Camelback Mountain Resort & Spa, one of my favorite venues in Scottsdale/Paradise Valley, Arizona. Aimee's pink shoes were one of my favorite details of the year!

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Wolf Girls (plus one!)
Monday, January 05, 2009

If you have followed my blog for some time, then you probably recognize these girls. They are the daughters of my very best friends, Tom and Marie. We have been a consistent presence in each others lives for more than 16 years now and I treasure them more than words could ever express. We met the first week of college at ASU, and have seen each other through the ensuing post-grad single life, our marriages, the births of our children, several vacations, and sadly, even some deaths. And then everything in between... you know, the day-to-day stuff that makes up marriage, friendship, family lives and just living. They are as loyal as the day is long, as real and "quality" as human beings can get, and I am infinitely blessed to have them in my life.

So, once or twice a year, we schedule an official photo shoot (slash play date nowadays since the girls are all so close) where Marie pretty much gives me total creative license. I have to admit, this one was built around a hat of Jordan's that I have wanted to photograph her in for a good solid year now. She has never relented until now, and I can tell you she finally did only because Sydney and Delaney had their fun hats on too. Have I mentioned how opinionated my daughter is?



And my Jordan:

Delaney is the ham in the family:

Sydney is a little more reserved and shy:

And mine, a little of both of those:

We followed up the shoot with a fun little tea party for the girls, which is where Marie and I decided from now on, if we ever want to make the girls laugh naturally, we just need to say "pee-pee" and "poopy-head" over and over, and the belly laughs certainly ensue. It truly is amazing how 3 to 6 year olds can laugh for a really long time at those words.

Here is to a fun day with the girls!

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Mullins Family
Friday, January 02, 2009

In my effort to finish posting all the families from my holiday sessions, I thought I would "reconnect" by sharing the Mullins Family. You may recognize little Ella or Shauna & Steve from my trips out to California or from previous posts. Shauna is one of my closest friends dating back from childhood... and I have been chronicling beautiful little Ella's first year, so they flew out Thanksgiving weekend for some friend and picture time.

Their fun Christmas card!


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A Year in Review: '08 Wedding Favorites
Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Year everyone!

I wanted to share some of my favorite images from my 2008 weddings. I also want to thank all of my clients from the bottom of my heart for your trust, your friendship, and for allowing me to photograph your most special memories. I wish you all a healthy, happy and meaningful 2009.

You can also view the full screen version with controls by clicking here.

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