Friday, December 26, 2008

Pregnancy is such a time of change. Physically, mentally, emotionally, and I would also suggest spiritually. I must admit, this time of metamorphosis is one of the reasons I enjoy shooting maternity sessions. There is an inherent beauty to the transformation; especially in first time mothers, like Molly. (Not that I am trying to imply that ALL of pregnancy is a beautiful moment - there are not-so-fun parts too! ;-)

I had the privilege to meet Molly and her family several weeks ago to photograph her beautiful belly. Here are a few favorites from our session:

Three generations. Her mom and sister were there to be a part of the session as well.

Personally, I find pregnancy to be a time of deep introspection. You dont have the same amount of energy to keep going at break-neck pace, so your body and mind slow you down to the very important job of creating another human being. As a result, I find it this time of change takes you "inside" a great deal. Due to this, my blog posts are slowing down thanks to the fatigue I have been feeling and the need to sleep as much as possible to prepare for the sea of change about to take hold. It's all good change; just the crysalis before the birth.

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