Friday, May 23, 2008

Happy Friday!

So for those of you that have expressed interest in the beginners photography workshop, we finally have a date! Kimberly Jarman and I will be hosting a 3 hour workshop for those just starting out in photography and for parents or amateurs that simply want to take better pictures. It will be Saturday, June 28, 2008 from 1:00-4:00 PM. Kim and I will be posting more details soon, so check back early next week for more info and how to register.


On Monday it was 108 degrees here in Phoenix (a record high for this time of year) and today it is is 57 degrees and raining (I think a record low for this time of year). What a crazy weather week! I love the rain since we don't see it very often but hope it clears up in time for Tracy and Tom's wedding tomorrow. It is actually out at Circle Bar Ranch and the very last wedding they will hold there. Management has changed hands and I guess they will no longer host events, which is too bad, because it seems like such a unique and beautiful venue.


Tomorrow will mark my last wedding before a 6 week break -- and a much needed vacation to Hawaii! We leave very early Wed morning and to say I cannot wait to have my feet buried in the sand and an umbrella-laden-drink in my hand would be an understatement. For the most part, the studio will be closed May 28-June 6, but I'll sill have periodic access to emails and blogging. If I'm slow to respond, I hope you understand its only because I'm getting some much needed R&R on the fantastic island of Maui. :)


In other random news, has anyone else noticed that every single street in Phoenix seems to be under construction? In Scottsdale alone, Hayden, Scottsdale Road, Indian Bend, Via de Ventura and of course the 101 freeway all all under construction, and that's just a 5-10 mile radius from my house. Is it just me, or does it seem to take forever to finish those projects? Hmmm, I think the city needs to reassess how many streets they decide tear up at one time. Traffic is a bear right now.


And just so you don't think I'm slacking, I'm working on my favorites from JD and Andriana's wedding in Tucson last weekend and should have up soon! But here is a teaser...


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