Beginners Photography Workshop
Thursday, May 29, 2008

Kim and I are excited to announce a date for our photography workshop specifically targeted for beginning photographers, hobbyists, or parents simply looking to taking better pictures of their kids. Please click here for the full flyer and registration information. If you have any questions, please send me an email.

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Andriana and JD's Wedding
Tuesday, May 27, 2008

JD and Andriana were married a week or so ago at The Arizona Inn in Tucson. I had never met either of them prior to their wedding, so it was a happy surprise to find they were so darn cute! After they both graduated from the University of Arizona, they moved to California where JD is now in law school and Andriana, who had just passed the bar one day before her wedding, works full time in a busy firm. Obviously they are both very busy, so Andriana's Mom planned the entire wedding for them, which I think they were extremely grateful for. These two were so incredibly kind the entire day -- Andriana was one of the calmest brides I have ever met. (She credited much of it to passing the bar the day before.) While she didn't radiate one ounce of stress, JD, so sweet as it was, couldn't keep his eyes of her all day :-)

I have to also mention that my good friend Melissa Jill, the incredibly talented photographer also from Phoenix, came down to second shoot the wedding with me. I was thrilled when she said she would come (you can read & see more from her very popular blog as well), and we had a great time together. Thank you again Melissa!

I loved her crinkled Nicole Miller gown. So pretty!

See what I mean about both of them being so cute...

I love they way Andriana's Dad is looking at her here

They had perfect light for their ceremony

A sweet moment right after their kiss

Speaking of, nice dip JD!

Thank you again JD and Andriana. You guys are clearly in for a long and very happy life together!


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Friday, May 23, 2008

Happy Friday!

So for those of you that have expressed interest in the beginners photography workshop, we finally have a date! Kimberly Jarman and I will be hosting a 3 hour workshop for those just starting out in photography and for parents or amateurs that simply want to take better pictures. It will be Saturday, June 28, 2008 from 1:00-4:00 PM. Kim and I will be posting more details soon, so check back early next week for more info and how to register.


On Monday it was 108 degrees here in Phoenix (a record high for this time of year) and today it is is 57 degrees and raining (I think a record low for this time of year). What a crazy weather week! I love the rain since we don't see it very often but hope it clears up in time for Tracy and Tom's wedding tomorrow. It is actually out at Circle Bar Ranch and the very last wedding they will hold there. Management has changed hands and I guess they will no longer host events, which is too bad, because it seems like such a unique and beautiful venue.


Tomorrow will mark my last wedding before a 6 week break -- and a much needed vacation to Hawaii! We leave very early Wed morning and to say I cannot wait to have my feet buried in the sand and an umbrella-laden-drink in my hand would be an understatement. For the most part, the studio will be closed May 28-June 6, but I'll sill have periodic access to emails and blogging. If I'm slow to respond, I hope you understand its only because I'm getting some much needed R&R on the fantastic island of Maui. :)


In other random news, has anyone else noticed that every single street in Phoenix seems to be under construction? In Scottsdale alone, Hayden, Scottsdale Road, Indian Bend, Via de Ventura and of course the 101 freeway all all under construction, and that's just a 5-10 mile radius from my house. Is it just me, or does it seem to take forever to finish those projects? Hmmm, I think the city needs to reassess how many streets they decide tear up at one time. Traffic is a bear right now.


And just so you don't think I'm slacking, I'm working on my favorites from JD and Andriana's wedding in Tucson last weekend and should have up soon! But here is a teaser...


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Allison and Chris's Wedding
Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Despite my best intentions to shorten my blog posts, I don't think I can on this one. I have too many favorites from Allison and Chris's wedding last week that started at Brophy Chapel and ended with a complete rent-out of Wrigley Mansion in Phoenix. Allison is clearly a beautiful girl, but honestly her inner beauty radiates even more strongly from the inside. I know that may sound cliche and that I say that all of my couples are beautiful and nice, but they really are.

Allison and Chris were high school sweethearts and continued their relationship through college and beyond, never hitting one of those breakup/speed-bumps along the way. As their family and friends toasted them during the evening, they all spoke about the uniqueness and strength of their love, because as these two have grown through the years, their relationship continued to grow even stronger. There is definitely a great deal of respect and just-plain- easiness between them. And they are both so good looking AND nice too. There, I said it again.

Some of my favorites...

This was my first wedding with my tasty new 50mm 1.2 lens. I have the 85mm 1.2 and find I have not been using it for weddings lately because it's so heavy and can be a little tight for the prep time, which is when I used it the most, as well for portraits of the bride. I'm loving the wider angle of the 50 and the much lighter weight of it, while getting that same beautiful blur as the 85. (So if anyone is in the market for an 85mm 1.2, let me know.)

We all looked over and saw adorable little Lucy sitting on the bed like this, taking in the quiet hustle and bustle of a bride getting ready. She just melted my heart.

And then she jumped down to get a closer look.

These next two are straight out of the camera. I dodged her face once to highlight just a touch more on this one, but the following of her mom putting on her veil is untouched. Gorgeous woman! All of these of Allison were taken with the 50.

I love it when brides and grooms see each before the ceremony. It gives them a few private moments together that they normally don't get otherwise. And Chris still teared up a little when he watched her walk down the aisle.

I loved this shot of Allison and her best friend/maid-of-honor Ellen

I'm thinking Chris may want to wait just a bit for the kids part :-)

I love this shot. I didn't even see the guy leaning against the wall watching them until I opened it in Photoshop, but I think it adds that extra effect.

Thank you Allison and Chris for allowing me to capture your amazing spirits and relationship. Congratulations to you both again!


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