Julie and Dan's Wedding
Sunday, April 27, 2008

Another very cool couple and fun wedding! Julie and Dan were married earlier this month at The Pointe Hilton at Tapitio Cliffs in north Phoenix. These two are both so kind and just easy to get along with, and have many, many close friendships and family members who celebrated along with them. I really enjoyed sharing their wedding day with them by photographing all the joy, and fun, and love.

Dan, romantic that he is, surprised Julie with roses while she was getting ready

I love this shot of Julie with one of her best friends

Julie is a jewelry designer here in Phoenix and custom designed their gorgeous wedding rings:

She also designed these unique buttons in Dan's shirt...

Julie and Dan integrated and celebrated their two faiths beautifully during the ceremony

The hora is always so fun to watch and photograph
This shot cracks me up:

I liked this shot of Julie's mom (left)

Dancing up on the stage with the always fun band Azz Izz...

I don't normally ever post group candid shots like this one below, but I am in this case because these are Julie's girlfriends with whom she is very close! Most of us are lucky to count a small handful of close friends among our circle, and this just goes to show what a good person Julie is that she has this many girlfriends. After spending some time with her and Dan at their engagement session, sharing a glass of wine afterwards, and then shooting their wedding day, this does not surprise me in the least -- she is just easy to like. (They both are!)

Congratulations again Julie and Dan!


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