Happy Earth Day
Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I know it's almost trendy to talk about "green" things these days, but I believe there has been a true paradigm shift for so many people in paying more attention to this planet we inhabit. Just like we only get one body in our lifetime, we also only get one earth.

Here is what I am currently doing, and have been doing (some of it for as long as I can remember), and will be doing moving forward:

1. Recycle. This one we have been doing for years and years. We recycle all cans, plastics, bottles and paper.

2. Use less plastic. As in plastic bags. I have been buying those reusable canvas grocery shoppers and keep them in my car for trips to store. They actually hold a lot more than plastic bags anyway and are more sturdy. I can carry like 3 bottles of wine in one bag with a bunch of food on top. I like them much better! Target sells these great ones that zipper up into the size of a wallet, so I keep that one tucked in my purse.

3. Last year I traded in my big huge SUV for a mid-sized crossover with better gas mileage. I admit, it was in part to save on gas money, but alas, at least I'm using less gas ;)

4. We use energy efficient appliances and light bulbs.

5. Eat as healthy and organic as possible. I have been doing this for a long time, but I believe the less we buy with pesticides and crap in it (as in overly processed foods), the less chemicals to pollute our soil, food and bodies.

6. I'm going to start using less plastic water bottles. I can do better on this by using my Nalgene bottle when I go to the gym (when I go!)

What kind of things are you guys doing out there? Any other ideas?


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