What happens in Vegas...
Tuesday, March 18, 2008

...rarely stays only in Vegas.

I'm now at the Superbowl of photography conventions, WPPI, having fun with old friends and making some new ones. In addition to the education and networking, there are roughly 350 exhibitors/vendors here and each night, lots of parties. I think there were something like 4-5 big ones last night and we made it to three of them -- whew! I am normally a person who really likes her sleep and am conked out by 11 or midnight each night, but I think they pump a lot of oxygen into the casinos because I can just stay up later in Vegas. I read that there are more than 10,000 photographers here, so it's a geek fest (but a fun one) of gear, laptops and blogging.

In all seriousness, WPPI provides a great opportunity to learn more and network. I opted not to do the sessions this year (platform speakers) and just do the trade show, so I plan to spend about 7 hours today seeing as many booths as possible.

Here is a shot from last night with Amy Martin, Mary Beth Tyson, Me and Kim Jarman (photo by Jefferson Todd). We are all sharing a room together and really having a great time.


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