Elissa and Ryan's Engagement Session
Saturday, March 29, 2008

I met up with super HOT Elissa and Ryan recently to shoot their engagement session. Elissa loved Charlie and Kent's engagement session, so we went back to Old Town Scottsdale and walked around for awhile. Actually as pretty as they are on the outside, they are also incredibly nice on the inside too and very, very in love. They could not keep their eyes or hands off of each other, making my time with them very easy and inspiring.

They are both so excited to finally be marrying each other this summer. They first met years ago in Iowa when they were next door neighbors and had their eye on each other. After finally meeting, they dated for one month (and Elissa told me she even "knew" then), but Ryan was then sent off to Marines Boot Camp and they had to say goodbye. Elissa thought that if it was meant to be, they would meet again. He spent four long years in Japan and just came back last July, where they met up again (now in Arizona) and it was quickly apparent that when you set someone free and they come back to you, it's definitely meant to be.

Elissa is going to make an absolutely beautiful bride...

And Ryan a pretty handsome groom... (He reminds me of Ben Affleck)

I loved this moment. We were getting up from the stairs and Ryan just leaned down to rest his head on Elissa's chest and held her for a moment. Her whole face just completely softened and she held him back. I almost felt bad taking a picture of their moment, but then I figured they might appreciate it :)

Thank you Ryan and Elissa! I can't wait for your wedding this July!


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Charlie and Kent Wedding: Part 2
Thursday, March 27, 2008

Here are a handful more shots from Charlie and Kent's wedding a couple weeks ago. These are more of the candid PJ shots from the prep time, ceremony, and reception...

I love this shot of Charlie and her dad

Sneaking a kiss before heading back into the Chapel to sign their marriage license...

I can't help but love the look on Charlie's sisters face here

I love these next two that Andy Delisle captured:

I think they are both saying: "Get me out of here!"

The first dance

Charlie and her dad sharing a dance.

One more that Andy took that I like...

There was the funniest little boy at their reception who kept taking his shirt off while stealing all the thunder on the dance floor. He was hilarious and had the whole place laughing with his -- er, confidence. I think he might watch a lot of World Wrestling Entertainment on TV :)  (He is sucking in his stomach here, hence the rib cage sticking out so much.)

Congratulations Charlie and Kent!


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Quick Update
Thursday, March 27, 2008

Just in case you are wondering if I fell off the face of the earth, I haven't. Right after I came home from Vegas, I caught that terrible 4-5 day flu bug that completely knocked me down. I don't wish this virus on anyone -- it's complete with chills, migraines, major body aches, and fevers for several days. My client's with whom I had to adjust some meetings and shoots have been very understanding, and I appreciate it. I'm finally back amongst the living and feeling much better! I have several blogs posts coming in the next 24-48 hours, so there will be lots of updates soon, I promise. I've also received a lot of emails from aspiring photographers in the past couple weeks and I will have another post for you guys soon too.


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Happy Easter
Sunday, March 23, 2008

Just a quick post to say Happy Easter and let you know that I will have lots up this week. I hope you all had a nice Sunday! Stay tuned for the final round from Charlie and Kent's Wedding, images from a super HOT engagement session, more kids and babies and another wedding...it's officially busy season here!


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What happens in Vegas...
Tuesday, March 18, 2008

...rarely stays only in Vegas.

I'm now at the Superbowl of photography conventions, WPPI, having fun with old friends and making some new ones. In addition to the education and networking, there are roughly 350 exhibitors/vendors here and each night, lots of parties. I think there were something like 4-5 big ones last night and we made it to three of them -- whew! I am normally a person who really likes her sleep and am conked out by 11 or midnight each night, but I think they pump a lot of oxygen into the casinos because I can just stay up later in Vegas. I read that there are more than 10,000 photographers here, so it's a geek fest (but a fun one) of gear, laptops and blogging.

In all seriousness, WPPI provides a great opportunity to learn more and network. I opted not to do the sessions this year (platform speakers) and just do the trade show, so I plan to spend about 7 hours today seeing as many booths as possible.

Here is a shot from last night with Amy Martin, Mary Beth Tyson, Me and Kim Jarman (photo by Jefferson Todd). We are all sharing a room together and really having a great time.


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Heading to WPPI!
Sunday, March 16, 2008

I'm leaving first thing tomorrow morning for Las Vegas and another fun year at the huge, annual Wedding and Portrait Photographers convention. I think it's the largest in the industry, so there will be thousands and thousands of photographers descending upon the Paris and Bally's Casinos & Hotels. There are tons of products and new equipment I want to check out, not to mention see lots of friends, so I'm excited. I'll be posting and sharing from the road, as well as have full access to email, so I won't be out of touch.

I had meant to get the rest of Charlie and Kent's images up before I left (the emotional and more PJ shots), but I had another wedding this past weekend and lots of other things going on, so I'll get those up when I return later this week.

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Contest Winner!
Thursday, March 13, 2008

And the contest winner is...

This was a very H-A-R-D decision for me! After receiving several entries from you guys out there, it came down to two, both talking about sibling relationships, and both within the last few days...but without further ado, the winner is:

Juan (and Wally) Gonzalez!

Here is the winning entry:

Together, no matter what. Every time I see this picture I get so excited. To see how much my kids love each other and support one another is amazing! At barely a year and a half (at the time of the picture), Paulo understands love and shows it every time to his big sister Bianca (4 at the time). Bianca in turns deeply cares for her baby. Here they share a moment of silence for a lost ball down the stream - their hands holding as if to say, don't worry, it is going to be ok. As a parent, this is all I need...to know they will always be together, no matter what, supporting each other. Their love is what keeps me going each and every day. They are the simple pleasure in my life! - Juan

Lucy (and Shaun), your entry was a very, very close second! So on that note, I'm going to send you a 8x10 of each image you entered. Those entries got me too :-)

Thank you everyone for participating and congratulations to the Soto-Gonzales family!

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Charlie and Kent Wedding: Part 1
Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Charlie and Kent's wedding this past weekend took place at Brophy Chapel, followed by a gorgeous reception at Desert Botanical Garden. Victoria Canada and her team at Bright Event Gallery did an amazing job transforming the Dorrance Reception Hall and surrounding patios into a very vintage, chic, pretty-in-pink affair. Pink is Charlie's favorite color, so variations of it (along with greens and golds) were represented in nearly everything from the bridesmaids dresses, flowers (by The Flower Studio), the groomsmen's ties, table clothes, cake, her adorable shoes, all the way down to Kent's socks!

I'll start off with some of the pretty details, including her shoes and wedding gown that I just loved:

Some of the other details, including M&M's with their names, hand-embroidered table numbers (Charlie's mom made these), the very chic and unique table placecard display, Chambord & Champagne signature cocktails for the guests (pink, of course), and the cookie favors with C's and K's.

The pretty flowers carried in brocade patterned hat boxes:

I love this shot of Charlie checking out her eye makeup:

Another shoe shot that I really love:

A tight shot of the place cards and beautiful calligraphy:

Note the pink stemware:

And those famous pink socks... did I mention Charlie loves pink? (And that Kent loves Charlie.)

A "casually traditional" shot of the girls:

And the guys:

A few portraits of the bride and groom:

Thank you Charlie and Kent for sharing your beautiful and very fun day with me! I'll post Part II later today, including some images from the ceremony, reception, first dance and a few more preparation shots and candids...


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