Contest: Make Me Cry
Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Here is another contest that just came to me.... and it's open to any bride, groom or portrait client of mine.

Send me a quick note and tell me which image from your wedding day or portrait session (that I took) is your absolute #1 favorite and why? If you had to rescue just one single image from your wedding day or a particular shoot because it just represents YOU or something important to you, which one is it and why did it mean so much? The one who moves me the most with their short story will WIN a FREE PHOTO SESSION in 2008. (I'm in a pay-it-forward mood this year.)

The Jist:
Describe or email a copy of the photo (or send image number from your proofs) and tell me why it meant so much to you. Did it make you cry? Did it capture the pure essence of a particular relationship? Did it make you see yourself (or someone else) in a whole new positive light? It doesn't have to be a long story and can even be one sentence... I'm just curious about which one moved you so much and why it moved you.

If it's from a wedding and both the bride and groom have different favorites for different reasons, both can enter. Same with families if mom and dad had different favs.

The photo shoot will need to happen in Phoenix metro area, however, you can still enter if you are out of state because we can always schedule something if I am in your area or if you travel to and from Phoenix from time to time. Winner will have one year to schedule their session.

What can the 1 hour session be used for? Anything: new baby, family, engagement, pets, you name it. You can even give the session away to someone in Phoenix metro area who possibly can't afford a professional photographer if you want to keep paying it forward.

Please send me your entry by Tuesday, March 11, 2008 at midnight PST.
I'll select the person who moves me so much with their email and announce the winner by Friday, March 15th on my blog.

Good luck!

Here is a random image just cause I felt like adding in some BW to this post :-) One of my favs from 2007.

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