The Terrible Wedding Photos Contest
Thursday, January 31, 2008

Tonight at midnight is the deadline - so hurry and send in your entries or send out to others you know who may want some free photography :-)

This contest was inspired by someone I met recently. A sweet young woman named Cristi emailed me several months ago asking me to coffee so she could pick my brain about photography as she is at a bit of a crossroads professionally and is potentially interested in starting a photography business because she loves it so much.

I am happy to meet with anyone who puts forth the effort in starting their own business because it was the single best thing I ever did for myself, and there were many along the way that helped and guided me. I'm still learning and am constantly influenced by other photographers and business gurus, so it feels good to be able to return the favor. During our conversation, she shared her experience in hiring an affordable (read: uber-uber-affordable) "wedding photographer" for her wedding several years ago. Couples/parents who are simply price shopping for the cheapest photographer you can find, take heed.

The result was disastrous and it still brought tears to her eyes to share the story with me. She told me she cried for months after they received their pictures back as most of them were way too dark to see, or extremely blurry that you couldn't even tell who was in the picture, or otherwise awful. All the important moments were missed and very few shots, if any, were usable. I don't know who the photographers were (and mind you, they were photographers, just not experienced at all in weddings) so this is not a bash on anyone in particular. All I saw was a poor young woman who has no usable wedding pictures from the most important day in her life thus far.

After I saw the actual pictures, my mouth dropped in horror, and I felt terrible for her. I just wanted to do something to give her some decent pictures of her and her husband. So on this note, I am launching a contest to give away a free photo session. I know there are others of you out there who have had similar experiences. If you have terrible wedding day images and wish you'd hired another photographer, this contest is for you.

Unfortunately, there is no way to recreate your wedding day short of renewing your vows (and even then, it's not the same...) but the winner will receive a 2-3 hour photography session with me to at least capture some cool images of you two together .... and ladies, you in your dress if you still have it. You can wear whatever you want and we can go anywhere in the Phoenix Metro area to shoot it (that we are allowed). We can at least capture some fun, trendy, stylish photographs of you two together now. And if you are planning a vow-renewal ceremony in 2008, even better! (Up to 3 hours coverage.)

The Jist:

1. You must have been married in the past 10 years (anywhere in the US).
(Note: this was 7 years previously, but I edited to include those who may be doing vow renewals for their 10th anniversaries).

2. You must prove your pictures are very bad. Please scan and email, mail, fax or otherwise get to me 5 images from your wedding day. If you need me to return actual prints, please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope so I can put them back in the mail to you. Bad means they were grossly underexposed, overexposed, way too blurry, or otherwise technically flawed in nature. We can't account for stylistic changes that happen over time.

3. Tell me your story... how did you find the person who photographed your wedding and what happened?

4. What would winning this contest mean to you and your spouse?

The Deadline:
January 31, 2008

The Winner:

1. Will receive a 2-3 hour photo shoot of you and your spouse together. If you would like to bring your kids along for part of it, that is fine too, but remember, the purpose is mainly to capture images of you two together.

2. Must be willing to have your story and pictures shared on this blog. Don't worry, the original photographer will not be mentioned (I don't even request that info).

3. Must complete the photo session in 2008. The actual shoot will be scheduled once the winner is picked.

4. Must live in the Phoenix-metro area or be willing to travel to Phoenix for the shoot.

The winner will be picked from both the pictures they submit and their story. Stories can be
emailed or faxed to 480-503-8149 and must be received by midnight PST January 31, 2008. The winner will be selected and notified on my blog by February 4, 2008.

Do you know people who have had this experience? Send them this link so they can enter.

Good luck!

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