Christmas Time Is....
Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Family Time:

My entire family is out visiting me right now and its been so fun having quality time together. Family is the most important thing to me in the world and we are a pretty close knit group. Like all families we have our moments, but I love them all so much and we always have a lot of fun together. My daughter Jordan and niece Morgan are on Grandma and Grandpa's laps (my mom Linda and step-dad Jim) and my sister Shannon and brother-in-law Matt are on the right, my other sister Alexia is in the middle and Chris and I round out the left side. Jordan is laughing so hard because Woody from The Toy Story movie was "taking our picture" and she found that quite hilarious.

Some more images from the past few days...

My sister Alexia took this shot of Jordan and Papa and I love it!

Another few (above and below) that my sister Shannon took...

Tradition Time:

Growing up, we made sugar cookies every year shortly before Christmas and decorated them (ours did not look like Martha Stewarts, but we didn't care), so it was so fun to make them with our girls this year.

They made a Gingerbread house with Grandma and Grandpa on Christmas Day. I think you can see their pride with the outcome!

Every year we add a new meaningful ornament to the tree. Earlier this month, I took Jordan to a children's Nutcracker production put on by the Arizona Ballet Company and she loved it! We received this ornament there, so of course added it to the tree.

Matching Jammies

Growing up, my Mom always gave us matching pajamas every year on Christmas Eve, so she has continued that with our own children. (Since its highly unlikley my sister and I would wear matching jammies now).

Christmas morning was so fun with the girls....

...And the aftermath of cleaning up for the adults...


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