Worth the Read....
Friday, September 14, 2007

I just checked my Google Reader to see what new blog posts were out there, and I saw my friend Megan Resch, a fellow wedding photographer whom often second shoots with me, posted a link to a beautiful article by photojournalist Matt Mendelsohn. "Getting the Picture" was published last week in The Washington Post and is a thoughtful and moving story about the power of weddings, the beauty of marriage and family, and why those of us who call ourselves wedding photojournalists get so much meaning from our jobs.

Couples getting married will appreciate the article as much photographers will. In fact, I think anyone interested in the human condition will find it moving.
Take a moment to read it. It really is worth it.

And a note about Megan... She also conveyed quite beautifully the effect it had on her and why most of us are so passionate about what we do. Megan is a beautiful soul. I'm sure we are different in many ways (I drive a SUV and I think she would prefer to always drive a bike), but we get along wonderfully, have fun together, and always connect on the important things... like appreciating the beauty of life and capturing the truth of moments. In all its forms. Thanks for sharing this piece Megan!

Here is a shot I grabbed of her at San Xavier Cathedral (south of Tucson) when we were on our way back from
Erika and Andy's wedding this past June.


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