Roth Family
Monday, September 29, 2008

I got to see my friends The Roth's again recently for some recent images of the kids, who are growing so fast! We all joke that Henry (the oldest) is actually Jordan's future husband as he is just 9 months older and so funny and outgoing. Little Leo came a year and a half or so later and is soooo sweet and docile and loving. They are such cute brothers - and we love their parents! After getting a few images of the family and boys on dry land, Heather, Henry and Leo all jumped in the pool!

Michael Phelps in training

Love this one.

Thank you as always Heather & Brad!!


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The Murray Family
Monday, September 29, 2008

I've had to opportunity to meet several new families lately and the Murray's were one of them. They had a big group with lots of kids and wanted to do at least one formal portrait of the entire clan for their Mom. Of course I had to snap some shots of the beautiful children too! I loved the colors they choose and how they mixed it up a bit. Thank you Murray family for a fun shoot :)

All the cousins - Sabrina, Isaiah, Isabella, Mia and Gianna

Brother and sister Isabella and Isaiah

Sisters Mia and Gianna

Beautiful Auvy, who hired me and whose home we shot at, with her kiddos


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Christy & Josh: Sneak Peek!
Sunday, September 28, 2008

I kicked off the fall wedding season with Christy and Josh's great wedding yesterday at Firesky Resort in Scottsdale. I'll post more images later this week, but here are two that I wanted to get up today. They are certainly a beautiful couple!

I have several family shoots to get up here as well, so more images coming very soon!


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What changes do you seek?
Saturday, September 27, 2008

Model the behavior you wish to see more of in the world.


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Allison & Chris's Wedding Album
Friday, September 26, 2008

We completed Allison & Chris's album a little while ago, but I wanted to share the images from their beautiful and fun wedding this past May at Brophy Chapel and Wrigley Mansion in Phoenix. They are such a wonderful couple so its fun to see the images again!


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Raising Socially Conscious Kids Event
Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I am gearing up for a busy weekend! On Saturday morning, I am going to help take part in a unique charity event presented by The Steve Nash Foundation and Moonbeams (The Sleep Shop for Little Ones) about raising socially conscious kids -- all part of their The Sustainable Kids Series. I will have a small table there and also take some photographs of the event. I'm excited to be a part of this and hear Nobel Peace Prize-nominated Marc Kielburger because as a Mom, I often think of ways I can encourage my child to care about others and develop a socially conscious "give-back" spirit. I wanted to pass along the info to any who may also want to attend. It is a free event with food and prizes. If you come, please say hello! (RSVP to the number on the flyer below.)

After this event I will be kicking off wedding season by photographing Christy & Josh's big day at Firesky Resort in Scottsdale.

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Workshop Registration Forms
Monday, September 22, 2008

Thank you all for your patience in us getting the workshop registration forms up. We finally have them finished and they are ready to download.

Just print out the form that corresponds to the workshop that you would like to register for and then fill it out and fax it to 480.275.3256. Once we receive your form we will let you know and you will be registered for the workshop.

Remember that there are only 20 spots available in each class so make sure to get your form filled out ASAP. Also, there is an early bird registration incentive if you get your form to us by October 12th.

Beginner Workshop Registration Form

Intermediate Workshop Registration Form


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Photojunction Remix Album Software
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I have received some questions over time about what album software I use to create my albums. I use, and love, Photojunction. I moved to Photojunction nearly two years ago after spending a lot of time comparing other products out there and have been so happy since. It is a pretty easy program to learn, and with their latest release of PJ Remix, the whole process has become simpler and more user-friendly. What I like about is the functionality of the drag-n-drop interface, but it also still gives you a ton of fine-tuning control.

Additionally, I love that it exports the final designed layouts to Photoshop, either as layered PSD files, so I can customize even further if need be (if I want to add a background or color that I did not add in PJ itself), or as final high resolution JPEG's, so that they are ready to share with the client or upload to the manufacturer.

Photojunction also allows you to download the page setup specs for most of the major album manufacturers, allowing you to start designing almost immediately for any album company you choose. But one of the best features of Remix is that it automatically stores every template you create, so all of your album pages are in there. If you know you want to use 5 images on a spread, you can filter your templates by inputing the number "5" and it will pull up every template that has 5 openings ("wells") and you can choose from those (or create a new one from freehand.) Quick and easy.

If you need some "design inspiration" many of the album manufacturers also offer pre-made templates and some photographers also sell their templates. I get much of my inspiration from magazine layouts, or occasionally certain catalogues, as they tend to flow in a clean design style.

If you are shopping around for album designing software, give PJ Remix a try. You can download a free 30 day trial here. Also, check out their tutorial section. They offer lots of quick videos on how to use and maximize the program. Happy album designing!


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Baby Brody
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I got to meet sweet little Brody and his Mom & Dad recently. He gave me a few mushy smiles after some coaxing and we moved around a bit in their beautiful home up in DC Ranch to get some different shots and capture his beautiful baby blues.

Loved this! "Hey, put 'em up there camera lady!"

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Lisa and Todd's Engagement Session
Monday, September 15, 2008

I met Todd and Lisa this summer for an engagement session and we had fun despite it being the single hottest day of the year! They are getting married in Hawaii and sadly have to use the photographer that comes with the Ritz there (sniff, sniff for me) but wanted to do some fun pictures here before the big day. We went up to DC Ranch area, one of my favorites here in town for all its rustic but contemporary architecture. Thanks for a fun shoot Lisa and Todd!


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